This function combines the modeled and observed data of the current run, along with all the modeled and observed data of all the saved runs (for a single variable) and returns them in tidy format, easy to use for plotting, etc.
melt_swap_runs(project_path, variable, depth = NULL, verbose = F)
Returns dataframe with columns "run" "DATE" "tag" "variable" "value"
This is once again an internal function that is made available due to it possibly being useful for the end user.
# path to sample results (only for package internal example, you don't need
# this function)
example_path <- system.file(package = "rswap", "extdata/rswap_example_output")
# in your own projects, you would use something like this:
# example_path <- "C:/path/to/swap_folder/example_project"
melt_swap_runs(example_path, "WC", depth = 15, verbose = TRUE)
#> ℹ Observed data already loaded, not reloading. (use force=TRUE to force reload)
#> # A tibble: 108 × 5
#> DATE value tag run variable
#> <date> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 2002-01-31 0.309 past example_run WC_15
#> 2 2002-02-28 0.335 past example_run WC_15
#> 3 2002-03-31 0.282 past example_run WC_15
#> 4 2002-04-30 0.308 past example_run WC_15
#> 5 2002-05-31 0.281 past example_run WC_15
#> 6 2002-06-30 0.239 past example_run WC_15
#> 7 2002-07-31 0.389 past example_run WC_15
#> 8 2002-08-31 0.215 past example_run WC_15
#> 9 2002-09-30 0.206 past example_run WC_15
#> 10 2002-10-31 0.268 past example_run WC_15
#> # ℹ 98 more rows