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This function is an optional starting point when using rswap for the first time. What it does is copy in the example swap setup "hupselbrook" into a sample project directory "rswap_init" within the same working directory as your swap executable (hence the need to pass the path).


rswap_init(swap_exe, quiet = FALSE)



path to SWAP model (string)


flag to stop output


Returns the project path of "hupselbrook" SWAP setup.


The sample directory contains the SWAP input files, as well as a template for observed values. This provides a good starting point for setting up your own rswap project. Just changes the name of the directory, fill in the observed file and start modifying parameters.

If this function does not successfully complete, then there is an underlying issue you need to fix before continuing to use rswap.


# This function cannot execute example code as it relies on the externally
# provided swap model

# rswap_init("C:/path/to/swap.exe")