Author: Moritz Shore

Date: October, 2023


The MET Nordic Reanalysis Dataset is a reanalysis product from the Meteorologisk institutt. You can read more about the dataset here. The MET Nordic rerun archive version 3 can be accessed using a dedicated function in miljotools. Please inform yourself on the limitations of reanalysis data before applying this dataset to your needs.

Figure 1: The spatial domain of the reanalysis dataset.

Figure 1: The spatial domain of the reanalysis dataset.


  • 1x1 km grid covering the Nordics (see Figure 1.)

  • Hourly resolution from 2012-09-01 to 2023-01-31

  • Following variables: temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, air pressure, cloud area fraction, short+longwave radiation (downwelling), land area fraction, and altitude


To access the data for a specific region of the Nordics, you need to provide the following as input:

  1. A path to a geo-referenced shapefile (single polygon) of the desired area

  2. A directory where you would like to save the data (default: working directory)

  3. A starting date and time

  4. An ending date and time

Optionally, you can pass additional parameters to either buffer your shapefile, or to preview the data you are downloading.

download_folder <- get_metno_reanalysis3(
area = "C:/Users/morit/Documents/met_no/skuterud_wb.shp",
directory = "C:/Users/mosh/Documents/met_no",
fromdate = "2015-01-01 00:00:00",
todate = "2015-01-31 00:00:00", 
area_buffer = 1500,
preview = T


Figure 2. Processing the shapefile and downloading relevant grid points.

Figure 2. Processing the shapefile and downloading relevant grid points.

As output you will receive a separate .csv file for each grid point. This .csv file contains the meteorological data as a timeseries, with a column for each variable. Additionally one metadata file is created listing the properties of each grid point (such as coordinates)

Note: Currently, this function must request the data from server on an hour-basis. This means that for each year to download, 8760 requests must be made to the server. This is rather slow, and as such the download can take quite a few hours. We are working with to improve this situation.

Conversion to Daily Data

If you would prefer to have your data in a daily format, you can use the reanalysis3_daily() function. This function merely requires the path of the download folder as created by get_metno_reanalysis3(). You can pass a precision parameter which determines to which decimal point the hourly data will be averaged / summed to.

daily_data_path <-
  reanalysis3_daily(path = download_folder,
                    outpath = "C:/Users/mosh/Documents/met_no",
                    precision = 2)

SWAT+ input generation from daily Reanalysis3 data

If you would like to generate SWAT+ meteo input from the daily data as downloaded get_metno_reanalysis3() and converted from reanalysis3_daily(), you can use the reanalysis3_swatinput() function. This function, depending on the parameters given to it, will generate your station files and weather generator. It also can update your SWAT+ input files to match the new weather stations, or update your .sqlite database. To do this, the function heavily utilizes SWATprepR which needs to be installed before use. This can be done here.

reanalysis3_swatinput(path = daily_data_path,
                      swat_setup = "C:/path/to/swat/txtinout")

Reanalysis to SWAT+ input pipeline

The aforementioned three function can be linked together with the swat_weather_input_chain(). It simply runs the three functions in parallel, allowing you to generate and apply weather data to your SWAT+ project with one line of code.

  area = "C:/Users/mosh/Documents/skuterud_wb.shp",
  swat_setup = "C:/path/to/swat/txtinout",
  directory = "path/to/working/directory",
  from = "2013-01-01 00:00:00",
  to = "2022-12-31 00:00:00"