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This function loads your observed data from the template file that was placed in your project directory either by build_rswap_directory() or rswap_init()


load_swap_observed(project_path, force = F, archived = F, verbose = F)



Path to project directory (string)


Force reload of observed data? (flag)


set to true if project path in saved in 'rswap_saved' (flag)


print status? (flag)


returns a dataframe of your observed data


It is critical that the template observed file is filled out correctly. Please see the file itself for more information. It should be located in your project directory, and must bear the name swap_observed_data.csv.


# path to sample results (only for package internal example, you don't need
# this function)
example_path <- system.file(package = "rswap", "extdata/rswap_example_output")

# in your own projects, you would use something like this:
# example_path <- "C:/path/to/swap_folder/example_project"

load_swap_observed(example_path, verbose = TRUE)
#>Observed data already loaded, not reloading. (use force=TRUE to force reload) 
#> # A tibble: 36 × 10
#>    DATE         H_15   H_40   H_70 WC_15 WC_40 WC_70 TEMP_15 TEMP_40 TEMP_70
#>    <date>      <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 2002-01-31  -55.1  -26.5  -1.76 0.315 0.367 0.308   12.0     2.53    3.07
#>  2 2002-02-28  -40.5  -14.8   9.26 0.342 0.404 0.308    7.39    1.84    2.53
#>  3 2002-03-31  -73.6  -36.9 -11.1  0.287 0.331 0.298   13.4     2.29    2.60
#>  4 2002-04-30  -55.5  -30.3  -5.62 0.314 0.354 0.305   14.2     2.88    3.56
#>  5 2002-05-31  -74.3  -37.1 -11.3  0.286 0.330 0.297   17.4     3.92    5.11
#>  6 2002-06-30 -115.   -61.3 -31.1  0.244 0.260 0.251   20.6     4.47    5.93
#>  7 2002-07-31  -16.6  -85.0 -49.3  0.397 0.212 0.207   30.8     6.30    7.62
#>  8 2002-08-31 -149.   -86.2 -52.3  0.220 0.210 0.201   22.6     5.39    7.38
#>  9 2002-09-30 -166.  -112.  -74.5  0.210 0.175 0.163   17.1     4.06    5.74
#> 10 2002-10-31  -84.6  -65.1 -55.2  0.274 0.251 0.195    9.79    2.78    4.22
#> # ℹ 26 more rows