Section 9 Antecedent Precipitation Index

9.1 Introduction

SWATFarmR cannot account for operations based on values modeled by SWAT+, such as soil moisture. This is because FarmR does not run the model itself, and creates and pre-defines all the management schedules based on measured climate data. This means we need to relate our measured climate data to our soil moisture (Because soil moisture is an important factor in planning agricultural operations). One method to do this is called the Antecedent Precipitation Index. Which is what we will creating for CS10 in this part.

As a heads up, this section requires Python!

9.1.1 Pre-requirements

Required R packages

library(reticulate) # Required Python packages: "pandas", "numpy", "scipy"


9.1.2 Setting up Python for R/Rmarkdown

A quick (non-evaluated) code block to show how a python environment can be created for use in Rmarkdown/Reticulate on your local machine.

# install miniconda 

# create conda environment for your project
conda_create("cs10_env", # environment name 
              packages = c("pandas", "numpy", "scipy"), # required packages
              conda = "auto")

conda_python("cs10_env") # returns the .exe python path for your environment

# you need to change your R environment path in this file


# restart your R session.


# If everything is right, you should get something like:

# python: YOUR ENVIRONMENT PATH/python.exe libpython: YOUR ENVIRONMENT
# PATH/python39.dll pythonhome: YOUR ENVIRONMENT PATH version: 3.9.7 (default,
# Sep 16 2021, 16:59:28) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] Architecture: 64bit numpy:
# YOUR ENVIRONMENT PATH\lib\site-packages\numpy numpy_version: 1.21.2

# After this it should work :)

9.2 Antecedent Precipitation Index

From (Patrignani 2020)

The API is a well-known, parsimonious, recursive model for predicting soil moisture solely based on precipitation records. The API is commonly implemented using daily precipitation records, but it is possible to work at finer temporal scales (e.g. hourly) if both precipitation (model input) and soil moisture (for validation purposes) are available. The equation describing the simple version of the model is:

\[API_{t} = \alpha API_{t-1} + P_t\]
\(API_t\): Soil water content at time \(t\) (today)

\(API_{t-1}\): Soil water content at time \(t-1\) (yesterday)

\(\alpha\): Loss coefficient. Range between 0 and 1

\(P_t\): Precipitation at time \(t\) (today)

9.2.1 Loading data

We will load out data from the previous Section 7.4.3

logger_data <- read_csv("model_data/field_sites/loggers/clean/logger_data_daily_clean.csv",

# we only need SMC for this part
logger_data = logger_data %>% filter(var == "smc")

site_attributes <-
           show_col_types = F)

pcp_data <- read_csv("model_data/field_sites/loggers/clean/pcp_data_clean.csv",
                     show_col_types = F)

## # A tibble: 5 × 8
##       id name       dem_basin OBJECTID SNAM       SOL_ZMX HYDGRP TEXTURE        
##    <dbl> <chr>          <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>        <dbl> <chr>  <chr>          
## 1 600413 STlv-sl            1       70 STlv-sl       1000 D      silty_clay_loam
## 2 600411 STrt-sl            1       73 STrt-sl       1000 D      silty_clay_loam
## 3 600410 STeu-sl-pp         1       62 STeu-sl-pp    1000 D      loam           
## 4 600409 Humic              1       31 Humic          250 D      silt_loam      
## 5 600408 Humic              1       31 Humic          250 D      silt_loam

We will calculate the model per Hydrologic soil group (HSG), and start with logger 600410.

log_data <- logger_data %>% filter(site == "600410")

9.2.2 Calculating the total water content

We need to calculate the total water content of the profile from the depth measurements from the following depths:

## [1] "300" "450" "600" "750" "900"

Following code is modified from Patrignani (2020) (read more)

(This calculation could be improved by considering the soil horizons)

a <- log_data %>% filter(depth == "300") %>% dplyr::select(value)
b <- log_data %>% filter(depth == "450") %>% dplyr::select(value)
c <- log_data %>% filter(depth == "600") %>% dplyr::select(value)
d <- log_data %>% filter(depth == "750") %>% dplyr::select(value)
e <- log_data %>% filter(depth == "900") %>% dplyr::select(value)

total_water_content <- 
  a * .35 + # from 0 to 35
  b * .15 + # from 35 to 50
  c * .15 + # from 55 to 65
  d * .15 + # from 65 to 80
  e * .20   # from 80 to 100

log_col <- tibble(log_data %>% filter(depth == "300") %>% dplyr::select(date), total_water_content)

And we can add the precipitation data from 7.2.4

log_col <- left_join(log_col, pcp_data, by = "date")

plot_api(obs = log_col, title = "600410")
Total water content for logger 600410

Figure 9.1: Total water content for logger 600410

Saving the data

write_csv(log_col, "model_data/field_sites/output/twc.csv")

9.2.3 Defining API model

The value is capped at the maximum value of the source data (50). This could be improved by capping site specific.

def api_model(P,alpha=0.97,ini=36.8):
    api = [ini]
    for t in range(1,len(P)):
      append_val = api[t-1]*alpha + P[t]
      if append_val > 50:
        append_val = 50
    return api

Load in our data:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('model_data/field_sites/output/twc.csv')
df = df[['date','value','pcp']]
##          date   value  pcp
## 0  2021-11-02  36.880  0.3
## 1  2021-11-03  36.930  1.1
## 2  2021-11-04  36.995  0.0
## 3  2021-11-05  37.025  0.0
## 4  2021-11-06  37.030  0.7

As a test, we will calculate the predictions with an alpha of 0.95:

import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

# guess
storage_guessed = api_model(df['pcp'], alpha=0.95, ini=36.8)

# write to text
dates = df[['date']]
guess = pd.DataFrame(dates.values.tolist(),storage_guessed)

Now we can have a look at it in R

guess <- read_csv("model_data/field_sites/output/first_guess.csv",
                  show_col_types = F,
                  skip = 1, col_names = c("val", "date"))

plot_api(api_vals = guess, obs = log_col, title = "API guessed")
API for guessed alpha of HSG B

Figure 9.2: API for guessed alpha of HSG B

Now we optimize the alpha parameter using scipy curve_fit.

par_opt, par_cov = curve_fit(api_model, df['pcp'], df['value'], p0=[0.95,100])

print('Annual mean alpha value is',round(par_opt[0],2))
## Annual mean alpha value is 0.98

Now we can calculate the API using the optimized parameter.

import numpy as np

storage_optimized = api_model(df['pcp'],par_opt[0],par_opt[1])

# Mean Absolute Error
MAE = np.mean(np.abs(df['value'] - storage_optimized))
print('Mean annual error =', round(MAE,1),'cm')
## Mean annual error = 9.1 cm

And save the data for R

dates = df[['date']]
api_optimized = pd.DataFrame(dates.values.tolist(),storage_optimized)

And have a look in R:

optimized <- read_csv("model_data/field_sites/output/api_optimized.csv",
                      show_col_types = F,
                      skip = 1, col_names = c("val", "date"))

plot_api(api_vals = optimized, obs = log_col, title = "API optimized")
API with an optimized alpha for HSG B

Figure 9.3: API with an optimized alpha for HSG B

Not great, but also not surprising considering no account for snow melt has been done, nor do we have good logger data.

We will define this workflow in a function calc_api.R and run it for the next loggers.

# TODO fix warning
calc_api(logger_id = "600409")
## Warning in py_to_r.pandas.core.frame.DataFrame(<environment>): index contains
## duplicated values: row names not set
Optimized API for logger 600409

Figure 9.4: Optimized API for logger 600409

##   HSG Alpha 
##   "D"   "1"

This is the logger with broken data, so no surprise that the optimizer failed.

calc_api(logger_id = "600411")
## Warning in py_to_r.pandas.core.frame.DataFrame(<environment>): index contains
## duplicated values: row names not set
Optimized API for logger 600411

Figure 9.5: Optimized API for logger 600411

##    HSG  Alpha 
##    "D" "0.99"
calc_api(logger_id = "600413")
## Warning in py_to_r.pandas.core.frame.DataFrame(<environment>): index contains
## duplicated values: row names not set
Optimized API for logger 600413

Figure 9.6: Optimized API for logger 600413

##    HSG  Alpha 
##    "D" "0.99"

9.3 Conclusions

UPDATE: all our sites are classed as D now

For HSG B we got an alpha of 0.98, for C we have two samples, both of which got 0.99, and D has two samples as well, but we currently only have data for one. For the one D site we had, the logger data was very poor and the covariance could not be estimated.

Overall, the API does not seem to be a great estimator of soil moisture for our specific case. Our logger data is poor and has been cut short due to sensor malfunctions. With a longer time series covering more seasons, it is likely that the curve fitting could be improved upon, and the overall dynamics could be appraised.;

Secondly, and more critically: the API does not account for snow melt, which plays a significant role in a Boreal catchments such as CS10. You can see this in action (I think) in March where the logger data steadily goes up, while the API steadily goes down. Snow melt could surely be accounted for by adding another model to estimate it – the question is more if it is worth it, considering the poor underlying data of the loggers.

Another complication is, if SWATFarmR does not account for snow melt in its management scheduling, then there is no point in estimating it. And if snow melt is not incorporated into the scheduling, then the operation timing will not be very accurate anyway (since snow melt is such a dominating factor in operation timing).

UPDATE post Q+A Session

We can modify the output of Micha’s script in Section 11.1 by replacing API with our own custom variable. This variable could be snow melt or something else entirely (like a trafficability thing?) This is pretty straight forward, we just need to add the index to the FarmR using add_variable(). One thing we need to keep in mind is that this needs to be compatible for the climate scenarios (i.e. we can only base it off climate variables which we also have future data on.)

Some things to consider:

  • Run SWAT+ for the weather data + scenarios data and use the calculated snow melt

  • Re-create the snow melt model of SWAT+ and use that

  • Use HBV or Persist models

  • Use some tractability index for Norway (Attila?)


Patrignani, Andres. 2020. PyNotes for Environmental Scientists. Zenodo.